
Watson tired of fake nudes

Emma Watson is refusing to get upset over a series of pictures which purportedly show her posing naked - branding the latest fake nude snaps "tiresome."

Images which show the Harry Potter star's head digitally superimposed onto a naked girl's body have reportedly been circulated around the campus of Rhode Island's prestigious Brown University, where she is currently studying for a degree in English Literature.

Watson is said to be seeking out the original fake snap so she can stop it reaching any further, and a representative for the star reveals the actress is growing tired of dealing with so many digitally-doctored pictures.

Her spokesperson tells Britain's Mail on Sunday, "There have been a number of nude fakes over the past two months. Emma has seen them and finds them tiresome. People should know better."

Watson has faced fake nude snaps several times - in May her reps demanded the removal of rude photos from the Internet, while a man in Britain was spared jail in August after he created digitally-altered pictures of the actress and posted them on the Internet.

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